Secure Tenure Rights


Rural men and women with documentation

1B is an implementation indicator calculated using the most recent available Prindex data. The 1B score represents the proportion of rural men and women that indicated the possession of a formal or informal document as evidence of their tenure rights.

For indicator 1B, LANDex uses data from the Prindex global dataset.

Prindex global dataset


Prindex leads a global survey carried out by Gallup World Poll that is focused on better understanding drivers of tenure insecurity worldwide. Three waves of data collection have taken place, the most recent in 2019 covering 107 countries. In 2024, Prindex will release the results of its latest wave of data collection.

Currently, four LANDex indicators – 1B, 1C, 3C, 4C – are based on the calculation of variables from Prindex, a global survey carried out by the Gallup World Poll that collects data on rates of property documentation and perceptions of tenure security.

For indicator 1B, LANDex calculates at the proportion of rural women and men respondents that indicated they have informal or formal documentation proving their rights to the land.

For indicator 1C, LANDex calculates the proportion of rural women and men respondents that indicated they perceive their tenure rights to be secure.

For indicator 3C, LANDex calculates the proportion of rural women and men living on community land who perceive their tenure rights to be secure.

For indicator 4C, LANDex calculates the proportion of rural women who perceive their tenure rights to be secure.

Prindex and ILC are currently working to develop alternative methods of data collection that could be used to better capture the tenure security of Indigenous Peoples and local communities. This would improve how the experiences of these target groups are captured, for instance through focus groups and other community forums, and these results would be reflected through indicator 5C.1, in addition to 3C.